I live in a spot on the earth, where we change our clocks twice a year to maximize daylight.  Personally, I love it.  Some people don’t.  I feel more energized with the longer days.  And because I live in a cold climate, I get excited with the spring change because I know summer is just around the corner.


Changing our clocks like we did this past weekend, however, does not change time itself.  Our daylight increases despite the number registered on our clocks.  Daylight is doing its own thing.  It does not depend on us to vote or decide what it should look like, or what number we agree to call it.  We get the amount of daylight given to us based on the season and where we’re standing on the planet.


Credit-The Earth and Moon Viewer


Nature doesn’t have to justify itself.  Your passions are a natural part of you; as natural a part of you as the rising sun appearing from the east.  Like time, your passions exist whether you chose to connect with them or not.  They are a unique expression of who you are at your core.  They have the power to supply you with evidence of your potential.  They can lead you to a fulfilled life that provides for you and gives you great enjoyment along the way. 


If the topic of Passion as a lifestyle intrigues you, join my private PASSIONS INPSIRED SUCCESS Facebook group and connect with others who want to lead a successful life filled with passion.

Click through this link, then select the Join button near the top of the page,


Take a look at what you are pursuing. 

            A million dollar lifestyle?

            Finding your soul mate?

            Becoming a Number 1 Best Selling Author?


Anyone of these is accepted as an admirable goal to attain.  It’s even encouraged.  Millions are pursuing goals just like these at this very moment.  They are seeking the prize, the promise at the end of the rainbow with the anticipation that once they have it, all will be well. 


Goals like these are ideals we create in our mind.  We have a preconceived idea about what life will be like once we accomplish ‘the thing’.  Our very identity is interlaced with the concept of what it means to have a million dollar lifestyle, live happily ever after with your soul mate or become a Best Selling Author. 



We expend our energy in the pursuit of the promise.  It makes perfect sense to us because once we identify with the promise, we apply a meaning behind it, which makes it personal. 


The very thing you have just given yourself over to, is the very thing that may disappoint you once you get there. The risks you automatically adopt when you invest in these types of aspirations are,

1.  you lose yourself for the sake of the ideal.

2.  your narrow-sightedness leaves you blind to opportunity that speaks to your greater potential

3.  you set yourself up for disappointment because even when you achieve the goal, it’s often not what you expected

4.  you miss the greater joy and fulfillment that comes from using your passions


You convince yourself that the goal you’re after is the ultimate goal to achieve.  In reality, what you are after is the emotion the goal represents to you.  And that emotion carries with it the weight of how you value your Self. 

‘When I become a millionaire, I’ll be successful.’

‘When I find my soul mate, I’ll be worthy of love.’

‘When I become a Best Selling Author, I will have earned my right to an opinion.’


Notice how every one of these is future-dated.  That’s the so-called promise that deceives us.


The gospel song Amazing Grace offers us these powerful lyrics,

            I once was lost but now I'm found.

            Was blind but now I see.


Those who have traversed life’s paths understand that the song is not talking about a blindness in your eyes, but rather a blindness with your ‘I’.

Choosing to lead life based on your passions, gives you access to a life and a lifestyle while you’re on your journey to obtaining ‘the goal’.  The difference being, you get to immerse yourself in doing something that gets you excited.  You engage in your activities as the very extension of who you are.  The joys and stresses that arise meld together into a refined result which carry far more value than merely going through the motions of your tasks.  The result; satisfaction, encouragement and confidence that you’re giving the best of your Self. 

And that feels good.



We are all striving to have a good life; a life of Freedom.  A freedom to be yourself.  A freedom to express your real gifts.  A freedom from suffering.  This level of freedom is a state of being.  All states of being have emotions attached to them.  Your emotions are a language revealing what you adopted to be true.


The majority of people lead their daily lives by their emotions.  Emotions that they don’t control. They do this without realizing it.  They succumb to whatever emotion pops up in the moment and receive it as truth. But at the center of Truth is your Real Self.  The Self that already knows freedom.  Locked within that Self are your Passions.



So, wouldn’t it make sense to lead your life with your Passion so that you can direct your emotions?  It serves you.  It serves those you love.  It serves anyone who comes into contact with you.  Your Passions are a direct connection to allow the best of you to show up. 


In my upcoming program IGNITE YOUR PASSIONS, I take you through a system that shows you how to live with Passion on purpose. 


Passion provides a way to the Self that knows Truth, loves life and generates a life of meaningful success. 


The success you seek is available to you.  Use your Passions and you will find your Real Self.  Find your Real Self and you will see all you need to see. 


Your success is waiting for you to show up.







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IGNITE YOUR PASSIONS online course.   



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